The category “People” in this website encompasses portraits, impressions, and interpretive and playful visions. Of the ones available here, a few are oil paintings but more are acrylics or watercolours. Historically, public interest in painting has broadly shifted from portraits to landscapes and possibly abstracts. However, in the past two or three years, Theo has particularly enjoyed painting faces using different approaches, playing with the balance between likeness and interpretation.


Guatemalan Portraits

The following portraits, based on faces that captivated Theo while he was in Guatemala and then developed imaginatively, are all priced at $500.  Most are 12×16 inches (30×40 centimetres).  All are in oils, some on canvas and some on canvas board.  All are framed professionally with a simple black frame. Click on individual images to see them more clearly.

The people in cowls and Biblical costumes immediately below were taking part in daily pageants during Easter Week in Antigua Guatemala. Thousands of people played Biblical roles or carried huge floats depicting the life of Christ, and thousands of others followed the processions over flower carpets to mark their Holy Week.

For a further glimpse into the Guatemalan life that captivated Theo, see also the paintings by the students he was teaching there as a volunteer: Guatemala by T’s students

Family portrait

The unusual feature of the large pair of paintings below is that they can be hung separately, of course — but can create fun combined in either order. If you read the abstract shapes as green father, orange mother, and little pink baby, you’ll see that the green foot shapes in the painting shown here on the right could extend from either of the legs on the green dad shown here on the left.

oil. 36×48. pair $800
oil. 36×48. pair $800.

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