WHEN BABY BOOMERS RETIRE: GETTING THE FULL SCOOP.  This wry treatment of retirement gives us stories, serious reflections, laughs, and some warm glow.  Although its mode is fictional with characters, dialogue, and action, it treats core preoccupations of retiring in its sequence of chapters topics, including: leaving the job, making resolutions, facing fears, adjusting to new family dynamics, looking in the mirror, and re-thinking the concept of time.  It also explores in banter, reflection, and story the arithmetic of retirement income and the “lingo” used by and about aging boomers.

It will certainly give moments of recognition to baby boomers as they think about that big transition in their lives — looking ahead or looking back!  It is available on Amazon for a Kindle for just over a dollar.  Like all Kindle books it can be read on a laptop or most devices.



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